Altenberg Monastery

The beginnings of the monastery date back to the 12th century. It reached a special flourishing due to the attraction of St. Elisabeth and her daughter, Blessed Gertrude, who led the convent as abbess for almost 50 years. Gertrude’s tomb tumba is located in the Gothic monastery church directly in front of the rococo altar, which is worth seeing.

During the secularisation in 1803 the convent was transferred to the house of Solms-Braunfels. The sacral art treasures can still be viewed in the “Altenberg Rooms” of the castle.

Since 1953, Altenberg has been the seat of the Königsberg Deaconess Motherhouse of Mercy, which is still today dedicated to a wide range of diaconal, especially nursing, but also ecclesiastical and cultural tasks.

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