opening hours & prices (winter 2025)

Braunfels Castle currently offers you the following sightseeing options:albeit a bit limited for now.
Schloss Braunfels: Helebarten
Castle Tour (appox. 50 min.) € 9,00
Castle Tour in English (please contact us in advance) € 9,00
Reductions (with pupil, student or disabled person’s identity card¹) € 5,00
children (ages 5 -10, accompained by a parent) € 3,00
under 5 year oldsfree
family ticket for the “Castle Tour”
adults with their own children (to age 18)
€ 20,00
Combi ticket: Castle Tour and Family Museum+ € 2,00
New: discounted tickt to castle in the area and to the visitor mine “Fortuna”
If you submit a current Braunfels ticket (regular price) at the entrance of either Bad Homburg Castle, Weilburg Castle, Muenzenberg Castle or at the mine “Fortuna”, you´ll receive a discount on the regular price – and vice versa (once, double discounts are excluded). Additionally you can purchase the new attractive castle booklet in English language for 5€ (instead of 5,90€).

For » Family Tours (also approx. 50 min.) please check dates.

For the following tours we kindly ask you to contact us by phone or » via e-mail

» Master Tours (appox. 90 min.) € 12,00
guided tours in English (or Spanish) € 9,00

Minimum number of participants for our castle tours: 4 individuals (or a flat charge of € 28 applies)

Do you like this Foto? Many thanks to PS (©Peter & Sabine Seeger)!

¹ from 50% disability. For guests with impairments, we are happy to try to find the best possible solutions.
Just contact us: 06442-5002!

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